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Generosity in quotes

“Because we belong to God, our time and talents belong to God all week. When accountants-who-belong-top-God help people fill out their tax returns, they are participating in God’s work of creating trustworthy economic systems. When engineers-who-belong-to-God design civic infrastructure that works, they are participating in God’s work of creating  safer and more prosperous cities. When bondbrokers-who-belong-to-God issue bonds that help schools be built, they are participating in God’s work of equipping the next generation for life in God’s creation. . . A steward is someone who belongs to God. And thus, a steward is someone who understands that everything she is and has belongs to God.”

Rolf Jacobson, associate professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary, from Rethinking Stewardship: Our Culture, Our Theology, Our Practices (Word & World Supplement Series 6)