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Provoked and provoking be (in a good way)

Twelve hours on the Pennsylvania turnpike within a three-day time span and I’ve had more than enough  provoking for the month. Then here comes a blog post from the folks over at Design Group International with the perky headline, “Feeling provoked (in a good way)? Hope so.”

“Hope all you want,” I mutter at the computer screen. But the article has my attention, so I read on.

“. . . do not fear provocation!  The therapist provokes, so too the medical internist, the concert pianist, the art gallery curator, the movie director, poet and prophet.  Jesus provoked.”

Then it hit me — one of those Sunday school flash-back moments complete with a scripture text in tow. Hebrews 10:24 (in King James language) with its edgy pairing of seemingly paradoxical concepts zips across my mind’s eye. “Provoke unto love and to good works” is an unlikely mash-up. Yet that’s exactly what’s expected of participants in God’s new and living way — including those who lead Kingdom-focused organizations.

As the DGI article tells us, “Provocation begins and sustains vision-directed leaders and organizations.  Persons and ideas sharpen one another, clarify and push, test and affirm.” In other words, it’s good to be provoked and provoking be if it serves to spur us, our organizations, and our friends on to love and good deeds in God’s name.

So go ahead, dear readers. Make complete pests of yourself. Goad. Urge. Encourage. Whatever it takes to keep me moving in the right direction. I promise to return the favor.

1 thought on “Provoked and provoking be (in a good way)”

  1. Amen! God affirms iron sharpens iron. Leaders must create an environment that encourages this kind interaction. I believe this take courage, respect and trust within the team. Thanks for GDI quote!

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