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Note to self: when evening gilds the sky, turn off the computer.

It should have occurred to me when I selected my three words for 2012 (be, still, and know) that the location of my office could create a roadblock to keeping my commitments. I work out of my home, so there’s nothing separating me from work and the rest of life except will-power, of which I have very little.  I say I want to fit stillness into my days, but I’m hooked on the rush of rushing on.

In fact, it’s been one busyness bender after another since I declared a commitment to “still.” But hope springs eternal, and I’m determined to do better this month.

Just in time, I think I’ve found a method that can head me in the right direction. It comes from Tom Basson, a guest blogger on Michael Hyatt’s Intentional Leadership.  Tom’s the spiritual growth pastor at Grace Family Church in Durban, South Africa, a blogger in his own right, and it seems, as hooked on the drug of doing as am I.

That’s why he intentionally creates a “finishing line” at the end of each day. Tom explains:

I draw an imaginary line in the sand and choose to put the day behind me, shifting my attitude, heart, and thoughts towards the next part of my day—whether that’s exercise, recreation, or family time. Here’s how I do it:

As the final activity before leaving work in the evening, I set aside twenty minutes to take stock of what’s happened today and decide the most important tasks to accomplish tomorrow.

I do this by asking myself a series of questions:

  • How did the day go? What success did I experience? What challenges?
  • What did I learn today? About myself? About others? What do I plan to do differently, or the same, tomorrow?
  • Who did I interact with? Anyone I need to update? Thank? Apologize? Ask a question? Share feedback?

Taking this time to reflect allows me to clarify my thoughts, collect myself, refuel and renew my mind, and make conscious “course corrections” that ultimately save time and energy. And it’s made all the difference.

Hmm. Sounds like a plan that could work for me. I’ll report back at the end of the month – assuming I make it to the finishing line.

Question: All you other rat racers, what do you do to cross the finishing line at the end of the day?

3 thoughts on “Note to self: when evening gilds the sky, turn off the computer.”

  1. I could identify with this. When I was Dean, at the end of each day I made a list of the most important things to do the next day. Then I got in a half-hour before everyone else and devoted it to things on the list. Sometimes I stayed in the office late but I did not take work home.

    Good luck on giving your computer a Sabbath rest’

  2. So, how did it go? Have you managed to incorporate this practice into your life? I don’t always get it right, but it has certainly helped me create space n my mind and heart.

    1. Unfortunately, Tom, recently I’ve not stuck with my determination to shut down my computer at a reasonable hour. But your comment has helped me determine to get back on that wagon. Thank you.

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