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Join me in stamping out torture by meetings

A study out of the UK tells us the average office worker spends around 16 hours a week in meetings. That’s more than 200 hours a year, or over the course of a career, 9,000 hours and counting spent holed up in a meeting room. I’ve not found similar statistics for the nonprofit sector, but my experience tells me it’s more of the same. Wherever two or three gather, there are meetings. Lots of meetings.

Experience also tells me that a majority of those meetings are poorly run, dreadfully boring, and absent a clear purpose. If you’ve ever wanted to run screaming from the room mid-way into a rambling agenda, welcome to the club. Board members, CEOs, staff, and volunteers, we’ve all experienced torture by meetings.

Enough is enough. It’s time to put a stop to the misery.Read More »Join me in stamping out torture by meetings