Explaining a change in plans to campaign donors
“When we launched our campaign back in 2010, the staff position included in the goal made sense. But now that we have the money in… Read More »Explaining a change in plans to campaign donors
“When we launched our campaign back in 2010, the staff position included in the goal made sense. But now that we have the money in… Read More »Explaining a change in plans to campaign donors
If the idea of a capital or major gifts campaign hasn’t popped up in a boardroom or staff conversation, wait a day or two and you’re likely to hear it mentioned. Wherever money is tight (and that’s just about everywhere these days), someone is likely to propose a campaign as the financial cure-all. And well it could be. But then again, maybe not. Or at least not at the level proposed.
Before launching head-long into a campaign, it’s a good idea to test your organization’s giving waters with a feasibility study. Okay, I hear you. The idea of spending money to decide if you can raise money can seem a silly idea for a cash-strapped organization. Isn’t it better simply to get out there and ask?
Again, it could be, but more likely the answer is “no.” At least if you’re concerned about embarrassing yourself and your organization.Read More »A two-part apologetic for the campaign feasibility study
There they were, 17 earnest Episcopalians, gathered in the basement of the Cathedral building on a hot August evening to talk about fundraising. With a… Read More »Hot August tips for campaign success in faith-based settings