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Pocketbook voters

You’ve likely heard it said that people vote with their pocketbooks. I’ve used the old saw myself when encouraging nonprofit leaders (board members, CEOs, and… Read More »Pocketbook voters

4 tips for minimizing risk when selecting a donor management system

Infrastructure. For most folks, the topic is about as exciting as underwear. No one wants to talk about infrastructure, let alone pay for it. But ignore infrastructure, and you doom your best laid plans for fundraising success to failure.

Topping the list of infrastructure essentials – just after budget and staff – is your donor management system. By this I mean something other than a stack of index cards stuffed in a development officer’s shirt pocket or purse. Or more than an excel spreadsheet – as cutting-edge as that technology seemed a few decades back. I’m referring to a software package or web-based product designed specifically to help fundraisers raise more funds.

Read More »4 tips for minimizing risk when selecting a donor management system